В этом разделе вы сможете найти информацию о плюсах и минусах установки брекетов.
Braces in particular are used for complex treatment of teeth, dentition and jaws for both children and adults.
Advantages of braces over other systems:
Despite all these advantages braces also have disadvantages:
Commonly used types of braces:
From transparent braces, composite and plastic braces, despite their reasonable prices, in practice did not justify themselves due to the fragility of the material. But ceramic and zirconium braces are widely used in the world practice.
The difference between ceramic and zirconium braces is in the monomer and this difference makes zirconium braces more transparent and durable.
Frequently asked question about transparent braces: does the treatment with transparent braces last longer than with metal braces and is it possible to achieve an ideal result (ideal for this patient and in this situation) using transparent braces?
Answer: there are some studies that indicate an extension of the treatment period with transparent braces (according to the laws of friction), but, in particular, the duration and result of treatment depends on the professionalism of the orthodontist and the patient's cooperation.
Lingual Braces:
According to the material, these are also metal braces, but they differ in that they are attached to the teeth not from the lips, but from the tongue, and this makes them completely invisible. Lingual braces are also divided into two subgroups: factory-built and individual.
I must agree that there is a huge price difference between them, since individual braces, as well as arcs to them, are made exclusively for a specific patient. But I should also add that this price difference is worth the difference in the result.