
Does it hurt to put and wear braces?

Some of our patients have "bad dreams" before starting their orthodontic treatment.

Often these "dreams" are caused with rumors about the painfulness of the treatment. Right before starting treatment we usually hear these words: "will I feel pain?"

Contrary to fears and rumors, from the moment of installing braces until they are removed, the patient should not feel acute pain. Usually, patients feel tension on their teeth in the first week after starting treatment and after switching to a new arch. This is of course a normal phenomenon but there are also idealistic doctors (but I will not name them) who start treatment with thin, thermally activated arcs, so that patients do not feel any tension at all. To relieve tension from the teeth, you can take painkillers (any other than acetylsalicyls, aspirin, etc., since they slow down the movement of the teeth), just drink a glass of cool water or eat ice cream if you have thermally activated arcs.

– In case of severe pain, it is recommended to consult your orthodontist.
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